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LSU SA is an independent, non-political, voluntary association uniting students of the Lithuanian Sports University. The purpose of the Student Representation is to represent the student community of the Lithuanian Sports University, to defend their rights and legitimate expectations and to satisfy their social, academic, cultural, economic and other interests, to coordinate the activities of LSU SA members.


The mission is the voice of students, creating quality conditions for studying.

Vision - LSU is the best rated university in Lithuania, educating future leaders.


LSU SA values:

  • CONFIDENCE - Promote and build confidence in yourself and each other.

  • COMMANDMENT - Supporting each other, overcoming challenges together and moving towards a common goal.

  • INTEGRITY - To fulfill its obligations to students, student representation and the university in a fair and responsible manner.

  • DEMOCRACY - Adherence to the principles of openness, transparency, equality and other democratic principles.

  • IMPROVEMENT - Continuous encouragement of self and others to improve while developing leadership qualities.


LSU SA operational goals:

  • to represent LSU students and defend their rights and legitimate interests;

  • to take care of students' academic, social and cultural well-being;

  • to mobilize a student for the development of a democratic, legal and civil society in Lithuania; to contribute to the development of a democratic education system that meets the legitimate interests of students and guarantees the protection of their rights. to improve the quality and process of LSU studies;

  • to organize meaningful student leisure time and to promote cultural activities; to promote the citizenship of the academic community; to foster the values ​​of LSU SA;

  • to disseminate information about the activities of LSU SA;


LSU SA in order to achieve the set goals:

  • represents LSU students and defends them in LSU departments, management and self-government institutions, state institutions and other organizations;

  • maintains contacts and cooperates with Lithuanian and foreign student organizations;

  • organizes meetings, discussions, seminars, conferences, surveys of LSU students and lecturers;

  • organizes events aimed at restructuring and democratizing the education system, protecting students' economic and social rights and interests, mobilizing students for the development of a democratic, legal and civil society, and other various events;

  • collects and analyzes information about students' problems and solves them;

  • disseminate information about its activities in writing, orally and in other ways;

  • organizes meetings, rallies, pickets, demonstrations, various marches, other peaceful meetings and mass events in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts;

  • organizes cultural and sports events for LSU students;

  • develops media, publishes and disseminates information by other legal means;

  • caters various forms of student mobility, international exchange, helps international students to integrate into the LSU community;



Pasitikėjimas - skatinti ir kurti pasitikėjimą savimi ir kitu.


Komandiškumas - vienas kito palaikymas, iššūkių įveikimas kartu ir judėjimas bendro tikslo link.


Sąžiningumas - sąžiningai ir atsakingai vykdyti savo įsipareigojimus studentams, studentų atstovybei ir universitetui.


Demokratiškumas - vadovavimasis viešumo, skaidrumo, lygiateisiškumo ir kitais demokratijos principais.


Tobulėjimas - nuolatinis savęs ir kitų skatinimas tobulėti, tuo pačiu ugdant lyderio savybes.

Atstovauti LSU studentams ir ginti jų teises bei teisėtus interesus.

Rūpintis studentų akademine, socialine ir kultūrine gerove.

Telkti studentiją demokratinės, teisinės, pilietinės visuomenės kūrimui Lietuvoje.

Prisidėti prie demokratinės švietimo sistemos, atitinkančios studentų teisėtus interesus ir garantuojančios jų teisių apsaugą, kūrimo.

Tobulinti LSU studijų kokybę ir procesą.

Organizuoti turiningą studentų laisvalaikį ir skatinti kultūrinę veiklą; skatinti akademinės bendruomenės pilietiškumą.

Puoselėti LSU SA vertybes.

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