Like real students, we can assure that since the second semester started, time started to fly extremely fast – summer is just around the corner. Since summer is coming, it is our tradition to announce about report-election meeting of the Students Parliament (SP), which will take place in the second chamber, 308 audience at May 27, 11:00 AM. During this meeting we will observe the reporting of the work done by current team, elections of the new President of LSU SA, 5 Senators, 5 members of the Board of LSU SA and 3 members of the Revision and Attestation Commission.
If you have ever thought about these obligations and wished to represent our students or became interested not so long ago – it is time to take action and apply as well as gather for a solemn meeting. In order to submit your candidacy, you will need to take care of the documents, the procedure for which we will tell you about in a minute.
Submission of all documents (in PDF format) must be done until May 20, 23:59. You can download the application form for registration as a candidate here.
When applying for the position of the President, you must submit (send to
resume (CV),
motivational letter,
LSU SA Activity Plan guidelines,
application to the Revision with the requirement to register as a candidate for the position of President.
When applying for the position of Senator, member of the Attestation Commission, you must submit (send to
a motivational letter, which would include the objectives of the candidacy, competences and experience related to the position, and personal characteristics,
submit a request to the Revision with the requirement to register as a candidate for the selected position. When applying for the position of a member of the Board, you must submit (send to
a motivational letter, which would include the objectives of the candidacy, competences and experience related to the position, and personal characteristics,
submit a request to the Revision with the requirement to register as a candidate for the selected position.
When applying for the position of Revision member, you must submit (send to
a motivational letter, which would include the objectives of the candidacy, competences and experience related to the position, and personal characteristics,
submit an application to the Board with the requirement to register as a candidate for the position of Revision member.
If you are applying for several positions, do not forget that the President, Vice-President, Board member and Bureau member cannot be members of the Revision Committee.
